The New Standard In Non-profit Organization Services

When you make your help count in children, you think of a new generation's future. Diaspora Power, Inc embraced the vulnerable child to make sure each one had a smile on their face.

We provide vulnerable children freedom and make them happy.

You know why they put their hands to you? Because they're out of food, clothes, house and they want to go to school for a new generation.

Mothers always know, what children need

When a baby cries, the mother always identifies they need to feed because mothers have an idea about their sound. That's why this mother accompanied the girl to give her something. Do you want to choose Diaspora Power, Inc as your provider collector when you are ready to give your donation to help more than one.

Food donation.

We need your support to help children get food to eat.

Children need feeding.

Help them get something to feed because they really need it.

Clothes Donation

Please we need your help for children because they need clothes all the time to go in and out.

Needing Clothes

When you help, you put clothes on the children's body and you make happiness on their face.       

Children Need School

Education is always important in society. Please help them attend school. 

Send them to school

People always need education for a new generation. Education is the future generation of the lives. 

Make Your help count

DonateWe are always caring for human health. That's why we are dedicated to asking you for your help to provide child access to go to hospital.  

Keep children healthy

Your donation is important to us because you contributed to children's health care. Nothing is bigger than when you think about other people. Donate.

About helping a Child.

We work the hardest-to feed all children with integrity.

When you donate, that means you contributed to helping us save the Children, Your percentage of every dollar goes straight to our foundation to provide lifesaving relief to children. $80 can provide enough food assistance to 3 children from going hungry for a month $150 can provide children school, hospital and clothes. With your support, we can continue our work to keep children in Haiti and around the world healthy, educated and safe.

Who We Are

What We Provide

We are an organization dedicated to provide a variety of services to vulnerable children Haiti and throughout the hemisphere such as food, health care and school. Also, integrated community transportation to those who want to go from point A to point B very quickly. 

  • Assisted Child to Attend School.

    Education is always important for the development of a society because anything you do is related to knowledge. Therefore, we believe in helping children get enough resources to always attend school and make them ready for the new generation's future.

  • Providing Children Food Assistance.

    Before God built up every other thing, even created people, he recognized humans will need food to survive. He created a plant in a different category and then after that he said now created humans. That's why we make sure to accompagne children to get food to eat.

  • Dedicated to Keep Children Healthy.

    Healthcare is a high priority for humans because you can't do anything throughout it. Diaspora Power, Inc foundation is always here to assisted childern get a visit Doctor just to keep them healthty because we care about each one.

Happy Donor
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Successful Donation
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Years Of Experience
Professional Worker
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Why Trust Us

We are an organization Care For vulnerable Children that Providing Best Experience.

Our organization cares for each child whatever you are because of our mission to accompagne children with their circumstances with integrity in transparency as humans. And then we are power through our donors.

We provide a supportive, compassionate and highly qualified organization for all the children's needs.

Emergency Call

+1-(786) 338-0652

Marie Claire Azulphare


Sometimes we know you have your preferences to donate but not a problem because you have your choice. It is always dependent on you whatever we are the world and we are the people, That's only our responsibility we here for every child.

Community Transportation

Delivering AI-Powered Solutions for Your Assistance

Refugee Services



AI Services We Provide To The World Communities.

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Feeding Program

Make sure that every single Hitian is fed on a daily basis and to do away with food insecurity.

Agriculture Progam

Teaching how to work (farm) the land, so that they can become self-reliant and self-sufficient in the future.

Education and Security Program

As a result of chronic poverty, we believe that the children are affected academically and also the reason why so many gang related activities have such a high level of insecurity.

Health Program

Most rural areas( or half the population) have no access to health care, and that resulted in a great majority of the people becoming susceptible to treatable diseases.

Community Transportation

As part of human life they need transportation from point A to point B to evacuate on their own. We estimate that it's important to provide community transport for each one who is needed throughout the globe.

24/7 Availability

We are available to receive your support on our website.

With integrity and transparency Diaspora Power, Inc Foundation is always welcome at all times when you are planning to help us put happiness on children's faces through your support because.


What Our People Say About Us

when a business gets a high rating as a result of doing well. Moreover, customers never plan ahead or set aside time to write and express their opinions about any business that provides a satisfactory service. Since we are aware that consumers are the first to provide exceptional service, we were awarded five stars.